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Below are suggested wording for awards. They are organized by the popular themes.
Top Performers
Sales Achievement
Years of Service
Shaping Tomorrow's Leaders - In Sincere Appreciation and Recognition of Outstanding Leadership and Dedicated Service as XXX.
Leader of the Year - In Appreciation of your Outstanding Vision and Leadership.
Industry Leader Award - Thank you for your leadership and contributions as a member of the XXX Leadership Team.
Leaders Choice Award - Thank you for your years of leadership and dedication to XXX.
XXX Achievement Award - In recognition for being a driving force within the XXX Team.
Leader of the Quarter - XXX Quarter (year).
Safety Leadership Award.
With deep appreciation for exceptional leadership and devoted service.
Thank You for Creating Opportunity, Enriching Career Development, and Growing the Future Leaders of the XXX.
For Outstanding Leadership and Dedicated Service as XXX.
For Demonstrating Superior Customer Service to Our Learning Community.
Thank you for your contribution to the XXX Your dedicated leadership has inspired us all.
Leadership - The leader who shares experience ensures a bright future and leaves a legacy of success.
The President's Award - In grateful appreciation for your superior performance and professional excellence. Your dedication to duty inspires us all.
Your dedication to duty inspires us all.
In recognition of outstanding team leadership and regional sales performance of XXX.
Your personal commitment to excellence has inspired others to push past mediocrity.
Career Development Award - Recognizing a successful career representative.
Reach for the Stars - Employee Recognition Program.
Sure Start Award - Stage 1 - Setting the stage for a successful career.
Sure Start Award - Stage 2 - Demonstrating Consistent Performance.
Sure Start Award - Stage 3 - Establishing the Habits of a Winner.
Awarded in recognition of their outstanding commitment to quality workmanship in the XXX industry.
Excellence Award.
In acknowledgment of your exceptional accomplishments and outstanding performance. Your achievement is noteworthy and serves to inspire us all.
For outstanding accomplishment in completing the XXX.
Those Who Excel - Award of Excellence.
In Recognition of your Outstanding Sales Performance.
In appreciation for your unwavering dedication, loyalty and inspiration to serving your fellow Team Members and our Guests.
Service Above & Beyond Award.
President's Award - For conveying excellence & integrity. Including your positive attitude, your willingness to adapt and contribute to all challenges while embracing and enhancing our culture.
In recognition of achieving outstanding Customer Perceived Value performance.
Perfect Record Award.
Employee Excellence Award - For dedicated service and commitment to customer satisfaction.
All Star Customer Service Award.
Appreciation Award.
Leaders Choice Award.
Industry Leader Award.
Outstanding Citizen Award - Exemplifying the principle of giving of themselves to others through their extraordinary charitable work within the XXX community.
Outstanding Employee.
Top Performers
Quarterly Award - Top Person (name) (title).
Award of Excellence - Calendar Year XXX Outstanding Achievement.
Monthly Achievement Award - For Extraordinary Monthly Achievement.
Employee of the Year.
Associate of the Month.
Driver of the Year.
Top Agent Northeast Zone.
Hall of Fame (name)(country) Inducted (month/year).
Legendary Performer.
Rookie of the Year.
Customer Service Representative of the Month.
Rising Star of the Year.
Top Performers.
Sales Person of the Month.
Executive of the Year.
Rising Star of the Quarter.
Congratulations on your Retirement! We proudly honor your dedication and service.
As you retire, we pray that you experience all the joy and contentment that retirement will bring. Congratulations and thank you for your many years of dedicated service to XXX.
Who faithfully served XXX for over XXX years. We thank you for your years of service. Your efforts, energy and passion will be with us always.
In recognition and sincere appreciation to your dedication to duty and commitment to excellence - For tireless service to the XXX from XXX to XXX - Congratulations and Best Wishes on your Retirement.
With deep appreciation for your service and a hearty congratulations, we wish you well on your retirement.
Thanks for your invaluable contribution to our success.
To old memories and new beginnings.
Retirement is not merely an ending but the beginning to yet another of life's journeys.
You inspired us all. Sincere Appreciation for your contribution.
A privilege to have worked with you.
Your guidance has been invaluable.
In recognition of your years of effort - Your effort inspired us all.
Your dedication has not gone unnoticed. We could not have done it without you!
With Best Wishes from All Your Friends on Your Retirement.
Sales Achievement
Audit Excellence Award - Significantly Above Target.
Top Sales - Congratulations on Achieving XXX% of Annual Quota.
Monthly Achievement Award - For Extraordinary Monthly Achievement.
$XXX Territory APV.
District Sales Coordinator Award.
Sales Person of the Month.
Highest Domestic Sales Growth.
Sales Person of the Year "Highest Revenue".
In Recognition of Achieving 100% of Your Business Sales Plan.
In recognition of outstanding team leadership and regional sales performance of XXX.
In Recognition of Your Highest Sales Finance Volume in a Single Month.
Record Breaker Award - Highest 1st year Production.
In Honor of Outstanding Sales Achievement in your Territory.
Congratulations for Achieving $XXX in Sales.
Outstanding Individual Sales.
Million Dollar Club.
Quarterly Award - Top Person (name) (title).
Top Account Executive.
Outstanding Sales Team Achievement.
Platinum Award for Growth Profit Excellence.
Audit Excellence Award - Significantly Above Target.
Outstanding Growth Award.
Outstanding Sales Client Impact.
Service Recognition Award - In Grateful Appreciation of Your Dedication and Loyalty.
One Million Mile Club - For Attaining 1,000,000 Miles or XX Years of Safe Driving without a Preventable Incident.
Employee Excellence Award - For dedicated service and commitment to customer satisfaction.
Raising the Bar on Customer Service.
For Your Years of Dedication to the Board of Trustees.
In recognition of the highest level of continued service to the XXX and the Principal ship in keeping with the ideals and high standards established by XXX.
In Recognition of your Exemplary Service to the XXX.
In Recognition of Outstanding Service.
Service Above & Beyond Award.
In Grateful Appreciation For Your Many Years of Loyalty, Outstanding Service and Contribution to the Growth in XXX.
Thank you for your efforts and dedication to the XXX.
Continued Excellence and Sustained Contributions to the Company.
Outstanding Sales Client Impact.
Perfect Record Award.
Rising Star of the Quarter.
All Star Customer Service Award.
Appreciation Award.
Rookie of the Year.
Distinguished Service Award.
In Sincere Appreciation and Recognition of Outstanding Leadership and Dedicated Service as XXX.
With deep appreciation for exceptional leadership and devoted service.
Thank You for Creating Opportunity, Enriching Career Development, and Growing the Future Leaders of the XXX.
Those Who Excel - Award of Excellence.
For Demonstrating Superior Customer Service to Our Learning Community.
Rising Star of the Year.
Calendar Year XXX Outstanding Achievement - Award of Excellence.
Excellence in Teamwork - For exemplary teamwork and dedication in developing the policies and procedures necessary to successfully implement XXX.
Teamwork Award - In Grateful Appreciation for your Contributions to XXX.
Your dedication to duty inspires us all.
In celebration of the successful completion of this roll-out and our continued partnership.
Outstanding Sales Team Achievement.
Awarded in recognition of their outstanding commitment to quality workmanship in the XXX industry.
Thank you for your contribution to the XXX Your dedicated leadership has inspired us all.
XXX Achievement Award - In recognition for being a driving force within the XXX Team.
In Grateful Recognition of Your Timeless Efforts in Making Our Team So Successful.
With respect and admiration for your exceptional contributions to the business and the people who work here.
For exemplary leadership and outstanding performance and dedication to teamwork.
In appreciation of your dedication enthusiasm, cooperation and hard work on the team.
In appreciation of continuing membership and support of the ideals and principles of this association.
We extend a thank you for the time an effort spent in support of our organization.
Your dedication contributes to our success.
Your desire and willingness fuel our mutual efforts and lead us to success.
Annual Campaign Supporter - In deep appreciation for your generous support of XXX.
Outstanding Citizen Award - Exemplifying the principle of giving of themselves to others through their extraordinary charitable work within the XXX community.
Distinguished Volunteer Award - In recognition of and appreciation for their limitless service to the efforts of XXX.
With Gratitude to XXX Years of Friendship.
Sincere Thanks to XXX for Extraordinary Fundraising Support.
Member Since XXX.
Bronze Partner.
In Recognition of your Election to the Presidents Club.
In honor and recognition of your significant contributions to society and the accomplishments that have elevated the reputation of XXX.
Presented by the Board of Directors and membership of XXX In appreciation of your ongoing support of the Association and the XXX industry.
(Name) whose extraordinary fundraising supports XXX in honor of XXX Together, we are saving lives not someday, but today.
With deep gratitude for your leadership and fundraising to benefit our scholarship recipients.
In Recognition & Appreciation for your Generous Sponsorship for the XXX.
For your generous commitment of time, support and inspiration as a member of the XXX.
Thank you for Supporting the Successful Acquisition of XXX by XXX.
Thank you for your generous support of the XXX.
Distinguished Alumnus Award.
For Outstanding Participation in the XXX Program of the XXX.
Thank you for making a lasting impact on our community.
In Appreciation XXX - For Your Contribution Given To XXX.
In recognition of your XXX year partnership with XXX.
Congrats & sincere thanks for your outstanding fundraising achievement of raising over $XXX.
In celebration of the successful completion of this roll-out and our continued partnership.
Years of Service
XXX Congratulations on your XXX years at XXX. XXX Anniversary
Driving Safety Award XXX Company Logo.
XXX Years of Service Company Logo.
In recognition for XXX years of affiliation with XXX. Thank you for putting our customers in good hands.
In appreciation of XXX years of giving.
Recognizes the Extraordinary Contribution of (name) Towards the outstanding success of this year's Conference and Expo.
Thank you for your XXX years of dedication and commitment.
Thank you for contributing to our success! (name) XXX years.
Celebrating XXX years of Exceptional Client Service and Employee Appreciation.
Congratulations for XXX Years of Exceptional Growth & Partnership in XXX.
Thank you for your years of leadership and dedication to XXX.
In Sincere Appreciation of your XXX Years of Extraordinary Service.
Your XXX years of loyal and faithful service has been deeply appreciated.
In appreciation for your unwavering dedication, loyalty and inspiration to serving your fellow Team Members and our Guests.
10 Year Service Award.
XXX Years of Innovation.
Who faithfully served XXX for over XXX years. We thank you for your years of service. Your efforts, energy and passion will be with us always.
XXX Years and Counting.
XXX Years - In appreciation for your unwavering dedication, loyalty and inspiration.
With Gratitude to XXX Years of Friendship.
Sincere Thanks to XXX for Extraordinary Fundraising Support.
Member Since XXX.
For your generous commitment of time, support and inspiration as a member of the XXX.
In recognition of your XXX year partnership with XXX.